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Hi all! I'm new to Nintex (love the product so far) but I need a little help. Here's the scenario that I am trying to accomplish: Our user's will submit a request that will ask an external customer to complete a survey. After the external user completes the survey through a Live Form, the data a notification is sent back to the original user who requested the survey. Here's how I have it set up:

- Custom list that the user fills out to initiate survey request. This contains a workflow that emails the external customer a link to a Live form.

- Second custom list that stores the results of the Live form survey. This list is where the Live form is generated from. There is a workflow associated with this list to email a link to the results after its been completed.

I've managed to set all of this up successfully except for finding a way to notify the original user that the survey is complete. How would I link the original requester from the first custom list to the second custom list so that I can notify the requester? I've managed to accomplish this a few different ways but the ultimate pitfall is I can't keep the association from the original requester with the matching results. Any help would be appreciated.


On premise or online?

On premise.
