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link workspace it error.


An error has occurred.
Please contact your administrator.
Initialization failed before PreInit: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {080D0D78-F421-11D0-A36E-00C04FB950DC} failed due to the following error: 800703fa. (C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlWorkspaceSiteweb.config line 113)
Possible causes
- using anonymous logon in IIS while Windows security is specified in Workspace configuration.
- current logged on user can not be verified against the Active Directory Membership provider.
- please review log files for more information.


What should I do?




What version of blackPearl?  Are you using authorization access rules?

Hi Numpeungii


Have you tried the following:

Open web.config file of the workspace site (not the root site) and set Identity Impersonate to false. Then do iisreset and try to acces workspace.


Go to Program FilesK2 blackpearlWorkSpaceSite, open the web.config file, find connectionString="LDAP://fulldomainname”, add “:389” at the end. So it looks like: connectionString="LDAP://fulldomainname:389”

Also check below links.....


Please provide us with an update if you mangaed to resolve this issue in your environment.


Kind regards


