I am using a list item form on Nintex SharePoint 2013 in a brand new site collection let's call it Projects. Requirements are to allow the user to enter input a code, let's call it "Project #" from a former site collection, and a link to this item is automatically generated for reference.
How do I set up a reference to a field name on a different site collection? Preference is when the user goes back into the form and clicks on the link for that particular "Project #" it opens the old list item's form. Right now I have it set to reference the entire old list itself, w/o filters are set up.
Currently this is the
="<a href=https://teams.intranet....../AllItems.aspx?View={5FDAFC13-29CE-4F7D-903A-521746FE2D3A}&FilterField1+Project_#&FilterValue=1="&"Project_#}& "'>Project Link</a>"