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I am utilizing SharePoint lookups on a list but I am getting the following message from SharePoint:




The query cannot be completed because the number of lookup columns it contains exceeds the lookup column threshold enforced by the administrator. 




I understand that there is probably a limitation by SharePoint but I do have a workaround that I would like to try and implement. Instead of using a SharePoint lookup I would instead utilize dropdown lists based from different SmartObjects but I am wanting to know if there is an upper limitation on these items as well?




To clarify the first portion of this question there is a limitation on how many lookups you can utilize in SharePoint by default. The following article explains this:




Lookup Threshold




As to this second question there doesn't appear to be an upper limit on the amount of dropdown lists you can use on a Form. But be aware that if you are risking performance in this instance and you will notice that the amount of time it takes to load a Form with a lot of dropdown lists is much longer.

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