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A POC blackpearl server is being configured. When we navigate to the smartforms designer page we get the following error:

1059 SourceCode.Forms.Runtime.ManagementServer component not licensed!

Also the K2 Server will not start via services or with running the blackpearl service in console mode. Workspace says that it could not connect via the port 5252 machine actively refused connection.


Proper license keys have been requested from K2. However, in K2 workspace under management console -> license management -> Licensing, we are only seeing a license listed for K2 SmartForms. There is no Blackpearl license key listed.

It was then discovered that the SmartForms License key that was requested, was used for both the Blackpearl and SmartForms initial configuration. We also saw that when we went through configuration for smartforms and blackpearl, the system key shown in the setup manager was different from the system key used in the initial request of the licenses.


New licenses for blackpearl and smartforms were acquired using the system keys that were generated from the setup manager. This was to ensure that we had the most accurate license keys. Note that the Blackpearl and Smartforms both generate a different System Key. The system key is not the same for both, same goes for the license key itself. We used the new licenses that were tied to the proper system keys and went through the configure option for Blackpearl and then SmartForms.

Now K2 Designer page will load without our component not licensed error.

During the configuration process we also encountered the warning:

Logged Warning: Could not ensure windows token service: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot start service K2WTS on computer 'MACHINENAME'. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The System can not find the file specified.

We also saw that the 'K2 Blackpearl Server Service' would not start and neither did the 'K2 Claims to Windows Token Service'. We manually started the K2 server from windows Services and then tried to do the same for K2 Claims to windows token service. Token service once again showed the error that a file could not be found. Blackpearl service started as expected.

We then saw that the path for the executable that is tied to K2 Claims to Windows Token Service was pointing to a file that does not exist and does not have the token service .exe file in it. The path was set to C:K2 blackpearlToken ServiceBinK2TokenService.exe. We later learned this was where K2 was initially installed on accident and then it was removed. This path seemed to still stick after the reinstall.

We then changed the path to point to the correct location of C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlToken ServiceBinK2TokenService.exe. This can be done multiple ways, we did it by manipulating the registry for this service in regedit. Although a small change, it is always recommended to back up your registry before making any changes. Go to the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServices. Find the service K2WTS, locate the ImagePath subkey and change that value to our intended path.

Now the 'K2 Claims to Windows Token Service' starts properly because our file path is correct.

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