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We have a test server which has 10 CALs. Occassionally, we'll get a license exceeded message:

"The number of installed licenses for 2003 has been exceeded. The task item could not be allocated to the destination. Contact your administrator"

We do not have 10 users accessing the box at any time, so I'm not sure why we are getting the message.

How can I see what users/processes are using up licenses so that I can try to diagnose the cause?
Please refer to:

Yes, I saw that, but that doesn't really help me. I can restart the server and that does fix the problem, but that is not an ideal solution.

I need to know how to see what users are eating up licenses.

We do not have more than 10 users hitting the test box at any one time (this happened for us with 1 user this morning) and we don't have more than 10 processes assigned to different users at any one time (we might have 20 processes going at any one time, but they are all assigned to about four users).
The user licences within are cumulative based on the number of unique users encountered, not based on the number of users for currently running processes.

For example:
  • Process 1 goes to Bob and Jeff, which then completes
Now using 2 Licenses
Process 2 goes to Bob and Sally, which then completes
Now using 3 Licenses (added new user Sally)
Whether or not processes complete or stay active, the count will never decrease - but it will increase once new users are encountered.
Hope I am correct, if not please let me know but, also keep in mind that if a user acts as an originator (starts instance) one license is allocated to him as well. So if 5 different users start an instance 5 licenses are gone.
Hi nukkumatti,

No, starting a process does NOT take up a license.
If however you use "Originator" later in your process as a destination user, each and every person that starts a process instances, will also occupy a license.

Does this make sense?
Ah yeah true,

thx for the info. As I usually use originator again in a later step of a process it seemed to me that already the initiation takes one license.
The min. CAL (Client Access License) you can have is 500, other than that you are using the NUL (Named User License) which is restricted to specific user names as you have found out.
Please refer to:

Can you update the broken link to this topic please?


We are having the license issue in our new Dev server.  It is a development license for 10 users.  I get the error, and i look at the unique destinations - we only have 5 of 10 showing in the worklist.  I do not understand how to determine exactly which licenses are being taken by who.  Somehow 5 other users are in that list but i dont know who and i need to understand so we can proceed with testing.  These would all be processes where at some point in the process the Originator was assigned as a destination.  From reading the above it makes it sound like this eats up a license - but does restarting the K2 service reset that? It does not appear to.  The link that is posted above is broken so i am unsure what article to refer to. 

I was curious if you resolved this.  I'm getting the error "the number of installed licenses has been exceeded.  The task item could not be allocated to the destination.".

 I tried clearing all process instances from the server and restarting the k2 service.  I also tried a couple K2 management options under License Management with no success.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

I manually deleted all items from the SmartBox work item tables and restarted the server and I still get hit by the license error:(

Just realized this is the 2003 forum so I reposted in the BlackPearl form, sorry to cause any confusion.  BlackPearl thread is here:
