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Can anyone tell me if it is possible to launch a work item or process from an e-mail.

Basically, we have users who have e-mails arrive to a group inbox, manager then picks up the e-mails and manually launches a process, attaching the e-mail, before allocating to a user. The process is always the same process, so is it possible to cut out the manual launch? 

Have you tested out the email enabled document library approach?  SharePoint allows you to email enable a document library which means users can simply email a message or attachment to a document library.

Once that's done you can create a K2 process that ties into the SharePoint events like a K2 SharePoint Events Process or a K2 SharePoint Workflow Integration process.  That way as soon as the email or the attachment arrives it triggers the SharePoint event that launches the K2 process.

Thanks I'll give this a go
