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A user is able to login and access the K2Workspace site. When he wants to track and viewe the progress on a
current running process by clicking on Home, and on the Process Overview default report, the following error
is displayed...

The permissions granted to user ... are insufficient for performing this operation (rsAccessDenied)

This user was placed in the necessary AD Groups created for the process, while the groups were also applied
on the process within Workspace, and the View and View Participate permissions granted on those groups.

This user has even successfully started process instances, and participated in them. But he is unable to view
the reports in K2Workspace because of the access permissions.

 Does anybody know what is causing this?


In addition to the K2 rights used to authorized the view for that process or that instances, you need to give some SSRS rights to access to the report web site.

My preconisation is to navigate to the SSRS web apps: http://<iisserver-hostingSSRS>/Reports >> click on "Properties" >> "New Role Assignment" and give "browser" rights to your "Domain users".


I have assigned the role of Browse to the Domain Users group, but still no go... 😞

I have also made sure that the K2Workspace Site App Pool account is also added in SSRS with Content Manager role, but the users are still not able to access the standard reports. What am I missing?

I am having the same problem. Did you ever resove this? My user can access the report just fine from the report server. He cannot access it from the K2 Workspace.
