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Is there any documentation for the methods available in this namespace? I looked for a while and I cannot find any.
Hi kbodie,

Sorry, no documentation is available for K2Utilities.

The K2Utilities assembly is for internal use only. It is undocumented and UNSUPPORTED!! This assembly may change (and in fact has already changed) from one version to the next without warning and without any consideration to backward-compatibility.

Good to know. Thank you.

Is it safe to assume then that any assembly which is not in the help documentation is also unsupported?
Correct assumption.

Any suggestions on how I can loop over the value in a XML node so that I can generate an email containing each of the nodes values (without referencing K2Utilities)? I was using this piece of code (thanks to this post

.Value, "my:myFields/my:group1/my:group2/my:toDate");
for (int i = 0; i < xmlNodeListFrom.Count; i++)
dateString += "From Date: " + xmlNodeListFrom.Item(i).InnerXml + " " + xmlNodeListTo.Item(i).InnerXml + System.Environment.NewLine;
