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Hi ...

We have a number of K2 Workflows which specify Client Events pointing to a URL.

When I go to my Worklist view in the K2 Workspace (/K2V3/Workspace/WorkList.aspx) then I can see each of my WorkListItems .. and the Client Event URL is displayed on the right-hand window titled "Worklist Item Detail".

How can I get that URL using the K2Rom ???

Thanks in advance!

Martin Hatch
Hi Martin,

You should be able to obtain the URL through the 'Data' property of the WorklistItem class. According to the Help File:
The Data property contains the the full Web URL including the Serial Number. The Worklist uses the Data property to open the Web page.

PS! You'll need to be logged in as the 'owner' or 'owner's manager' to get to the worklistitem.

Thankyou kindly.

That worked a treat 🙂
