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When opening a file of a a .k2proj project in VS2012 or VS2013, a null is retrieved.


See screenshot.

Hi there, 


Please do check to see if the K2 service is running, then try running a service restart as well. If that doesn't work then it would be advised to try downloading a previously deployed version from workspace and see if this works.



Kind regards, 



The stack trace seems to indicate that it maybe attempting to load an environment library field, perhaps a Sharepoint URL used in a Sharepoint Workflow Integration wizard.


Does the environment library that the designer is currently looking at perhaps missing this Sharepoint URL environment field?  Was there any fields hardcoded while designing the process?


Please look at the string table for this process and compare this with the K2 server and environment library that your designer is currently pointed to.  Are there fields present in the string table that is missing from the environment library? 


To determine which server your designer is currently looking at, you can use the "Change Server.." option in the object browser.  Then use the "Environments" option to see which environment library (Dev, Stage, Prod) it is currently pointing to.

