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Hi ,

I am getting the follloing error on deploying a K2.NET application which is using "K2DOCATTATCHMENT" K2.NET SMART FORMS Component on production server. I have not installed K2.NET SMART FORMS in PRODUCTION SERVER as it requires Visual Studio .NET. I also tried installing IE5 Webcontrols but which is also of no help. Also copied the webctrl_client folder to "C:InetPubwwwroot" folder .

This is giving the following error.

File or assembly name Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls, or one of its dependencies, was not found.

Source Error:

Line 161: (if necessary):
class="info"><K2:K2DOCATTACHMENT id="fuDoc" runat="server" CssClass="eConsL" Width="500px" AttachedDocuments="ProcXML: AttachedDocuments"
Line 164: AttachedDocumentsXPath="/spsdocuments/documents"></K2:K2DOCATTACHMENT>&nbsp;
Line 165: <asp:customvalidator id="cvDocument" runat="server" CssClass="FieldValidator">Please Attach a Document</asp:customvalidator>

Can somebody help in fixing this.
We are getting the above error when deploying a smart forms application which uses the K2DocAttachment. The app runs perfectly on the development server because the smartforms component is installed.

However on the deployment server, Visual Studio is not installed. Can the smart forms componement be installed without VS, because a prompt message is displayed indicating the VS is not installed when selecting the smart forms component.
You must have at least the following installed for SmartForms to work properly:

Visual Studio
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
Microsoft Internet Information Server, configured with ASP.NET

Hope this helps.
