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When trying to change the K2 connect service instance to use SAP SOO we are getting the attached error message:

10521 SmartObject Runtime.Management General Error: 'Root element is missing.

2025 Error Marshalling SourceCode.SmartObjects.Runtime.SmartObjectManagementServer.RefreshServiceInstance, Root element is missing.

2025 Error Marshalling SourceCode.SmartObjects.Runtime.SmartObjectManagementServer.RefreshServiceInstance, Root element is missing.

8060 ProcessPacket Error, Root element is missing.


Usually you should be able to remove the K2 connect service instance via the Smartobject Service Tester tool. Registration of a new K2 connect service instance should be done from the K2 connect Administration tool.


We removed the existing K2 Connect service instance via the Smartobject Service Tester Tool and then was able to register a new service instance with SAP SSO via the K2 Connect Administration Tool successfully. As SAP SSO will add a SSOLoginTicket parameter to the Smartobject method, you will either need to map the existing method of the Smartobject to the newly generated Service Object or regenerate the Smartobject so that I will contain this new parameter.

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