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After I setup a settings in sqlserver reporting configuration manager, if click the process information in k2workspace, it is asking me to enter the dates range, selected process, chart type etc., After giving every details, if I click next, it is asking me to enter the username and password to access data source.

Note : Previously it was working and it wont ask any username and password and I was able to see the graph.

Please let me know, what did i do wrong?

thanks and please let me know.

Note : 


I am getting the following error.

An error has occurred during report processing.
The data source 'BLACKPEARL' uses a managed data provider which does not implement IDbConnectionExtension. Only Windows Integrated Security or No Credentials are supported.



Hi Ravi

Give read and execute rights to IIS_WPG group on the site collection. Apply windows integrated security and add the connection string via the reporting site (http://localhost/reports).

 Regards Vernon
