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Process Admin Rights Vs Server Admin rights. whats the difference?


When providing some users some process admin rights, when such processes are accessed, error message displayed:

"Could not load the grid: Failed to return Process Rights Data Table: User K2:domainuser does not have administrator rights"




After discussion with k2 architects and Consultants i had the dollowing replies:

we need to look at function here and understand the differences between the Process Admin and server admin rights.
Process level admin means you have rights to start a process, view the process progress as well as update datafield values - this is NOT a K2 server admin setting.

the Server admin is a function to control who can / can't assign process permissions

In larger organisations, server admins are the people who assign permissions to individuals and developers should simply have rights to deploy their processes.

For your issue, it could be good to assign some of the developers as 'Server Admins' to allow better control over the processes.


In the documentation There is an expectation that the Process Rights Admin means does not in fact do what the document says, and View or View Participate must be set. The only way to access to set Process Rights is by the Server Rights Admin grant.

Proper use of Ad Groups should be considered, as Process Rights are not something to be set by a “lower level administrator type.”

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