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K2 Workspace hangs


After refreshing the database data for this environment, K2 Workspace hangs and does not load. The following error is logged around the same time:

"4317089","2015-04-06 10:56:07","Error","IdentityService","64007","IdentityServiceError","IdentityService.ResolverManager.ResolveIdentityRequest","64007 A server could not obtain a database lock to resolve the identity for 'K2 Something' in the configured timeframe.","","","PRODBPM01:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","4317089","8c5132a90fa14763b2559dab1d4fd595",""
"4317090","2015-04-06 10:56:07","Error","IdentityService","64005","ResolvingException","IdentityService.ResolverManager.ResolveIdentityRequest","64005 Failed to resolve '1721': K2 Something.","anonymous","","DLX:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","4317090","015dbae7c07a4cd684fb647c738bf465",""

The Following error is logged:

"4317097","2015-04-06 10:56:34","Error","General","24148","UMEmptyQError","K2DestQueue.RunDestQueue","24148 The User Manager returned an empty queue.","anonymous","","DLX:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","4317097","f69119c4547943bc916b01940a07bdaf",""


We found in the hIdentity].yIdentity] table that they 'K2 Something' entry had a "MemberServerID = 1". Updating this to 0 and restarting the K2 blackpearl server service resolved the Workspace loading issue. We also discussed stopping the K2 blackpearl server service before making a database backup when refreshing the data in this environment.

Usually this is logged when the Identity Service attempts to refresh roles that do not contain at least one valid user. In this case, the role contains an AD group that does not contain any users.

a. This error can be ignored (if the role is not in use) or perhaps hidden in the Windows application events log via using filters
b. This error can also be addressed adding a "placeholder" user to the role this will prevent the error from being logged or deleting the role if not in use by any process

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