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Hello Mates,

 I have deployment package which was build on Dev machine. I have copied that package on Qa machine and make the changes in msbuild file and pointing to nw url.

But still when task get submiited and it cames to K2 worklist and when i clicl on open it point to old url





Below is the url which was generated when i click on open worklist iteam.

As you can see only OpenInfoPathTask url pointing to old dev url. est


Can you please help me. How i can change the dev url.


Thanks in advance.

Did you hard-code the URL into your activities?  If so, you need to change this to use a K2 Environment variable (PDF) for the form URL instead.  You can then assign different values to the variable on each server.

Do you have that experience for all new workflows submitted or only the workflows for this process?


You might have forgotten to change the SmartForms Runtime URL before deploying the package. You will normally find this towards the bottom of the package and you can change it before deploying. I always recommend verifying this before deployment. 

Hello All,


Thanks for your reply.


@ @sbrownhuntoilco - i havent hardcoded the value in activites.

@ @Latte Issue is only with this process.


you guys have any idea from where OpenInfoPathTask url picking up the values.

In rest of my process and event in this process new url has been updated only i lfeft with OpenInfoPathTask url .



