K2 Workflow WebParts

  • 10 October 2009
  • 2 replies

This Project contains web parts related to K2 Workflows that can be placed on any SharePoint webpart page. The webparts allow you to Launch, Action, View KPI, View Participants, and View Progress. The Launch and WorkItem parts allow you to show datafields and configure them with many special formatting options. The other part is a WorkItem web part supports Delegate, Redirect, Viewflow and release along with options for showing actions as either a radio list or a dropdown list. This the designer

2 replies

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Known Issues

Know Issues:

Installation – SharePoint Installer says it supports Activating the feature.  I have tried to configure the installer configuration file to also activate the feature, but have been unsuccessful.  If someone can figure out what is wrong and post it back, that would be a big help.

Configuration – For some reason, the web part does not rebuild the control when the Apply and Ok button are pushed in configuration mode.  This can be a little confusing as it seems as if the requested changes have not really happened.  While configuring the part you will need to use the refresh button to see the changes.  I have tried to correct this by moving the building of the control into the “OnLoad” function.  There are 2 runtime problems associated with moving the building to OnLoad.  1)  The web part is connecting to other web parts.  This has led to issues with the connection not working correctly.  2) the control creates many Events.  The Events need to be created early in the part life cycle or the events don’t fire.  Any changes made to try to address this should test to make sure the Connection capability doesn’t break and that the Delegate and Redirect functions still work correctly after the changes.

People Picker Validate Names – if you type a name in the text box and press the validate names button, for some reason the names are not validated.  It doesn’t show an error and it doesn’t underline the person.  If you open the address book and search for someone and select them it works as expected.  Since this is a user/runtime issue, you may want to investigate this further or provide information to your users about the problem.  (This appears to be somewhat related to the logged on user and how the User information is entered.  It works if done correctly.  This would be a SharePoint config or security issue.)

Launch Connection -   Connection fields in Launch are not being correctly populated

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Enhancement List

Enhancement List

AJAX Enable Configuration – I have another control in the works that allows the configuration to be done in AJAX.  It is a MUCH NICER and easier to use way to configure the data fields.  There are some other challenges associated with AJAX and MOSS that still need to be overcome, but this would make the field configuration string much better.

Edit Controls – The part currently uses standard text boxes for Decimal, integer, and text types.  It would be nice to use controls that gave better Formatting capabilities like Phone Number, SSN, and Currency to name a few.



Calculated Fields – Paul Konieczny mentioned this as something that should be in this.  I agree.  We need to come up with a format that makes sense for this.  Implementing will probably be easier than coming up with a good format for the string.

Form and Field Validation – Again, we need to come up with a good format for the strings, and then we should be able to implement based on requirements

ListBoxes -  Sort and Filter by Unique.  Allow concatenation of fields in the display field

Query Parameters on Launch Part -Allow values to be passed into the Launch part through the Query Parameters

Full Width Field - Have a field take up the full width with caption above...

Add Sections to the Label - Paul's Section comment improved by Joseph...

Link DropDown Fields - Link fields together to allow a nested selection of drop downs filtering as selections were made.  It would be nice to have this capability in the screen design.  One challenge to this is that each listbox added to the screen would need to have postback set to true and may need an event built to trap the response and set the filter.  Alternatively, the filter could be configured in the other control loading

OnChange change Filter - Allow Field to change the connection filter when text or dropdown value is changed.  This would require either trapping an event or just setting the AutoPost back to true if the field is the connection field.  If changing to have field postback is all it takes, this would be a fairly simple change.

Multi DataField Filter – modify the filter interface to provide the ability to provide different fields to different connected web parts.  Currently one DataField can filter multiple other web parts.  You could create some better interfaces with the ability to choose multiple fields as providers.

Error Details – It would be nice to change the error handling to be more like typical Microsoft error handling.  Give a user Friendly error and a hidden panel with details of the error. 
