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Hi there,


I'm having an inconsistent problems at a client where a K2 workflow makes use of SharePoint groups to assign tasks.


The tasks are created fine, and users are able to action them. However, sometimes, they do not receive the mail notification indicating that they have a task assigned to them.


The following errors can be found in the "HostServer140519_1" K2 error log:

"1429000","2014-05-19 09:54:47","Error","IdentityService","64005","ResolvingException","IdentityService.ProviderCacheIdentity:GroupProvider.GetGroup","64005 Failed to resolve 'SP:ContractsContracts Legal': An unexpected failure was encountered when contacting SharePoint to get information from the group provider Contracts: The remote name could not be resolved: 'bconnect'.","anonymous","","ZAISK2PRD:E:K2 BlackPearlHost ServerBin","1429000","e50fd44cdadd46d48b4d5a33eefd1c0d",""


And in the "AdumError140519_2" log:

"2014-05-27 01:50:43::120", "Error", "GetUser", "The format of the specified domain name is invalid. Resolving User:NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON", " at ADUM.Translate.NameToDN(String Name)
at ADUM.K2UserManager2.GetUser(String Name)", "Additional Information: ", "GetUser(NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON)"


I've confirmed that the K2 service account and application pool identities have the appropriate rights on the SharePoint server - though am willing to double check any suggestions made in this regards.


Any light that may be shed on this problem would be greatly appreciated. 


Thanks in advance,


Hi Sean


With regards to the first error, were any users/groups deleted that are currently being used within your workflow? if so this can lead to the Identity.Identity not being able to resolve  for the deleted users/groups.


Secondly how many nodes are currently setup within your environment? It could be that the Identity might be out of sync. Could i ask you to restart the K2 Blackpearl server service and moniter if the issue appears again?


Lastly what versions of Blackpearl and Smartforms are you currently running and could you provide details on the setup of your environment?


Kind Regards,



Hi there,


Thank you for the response.


"were any users/groups deleted that are currently being used within your workflow?"

No. There hasn't been any changes to permission groups.


"Secondly how many nodes are currently setup within your environment?"

Not too sure what you mean here? Is this specific to the workflow?

There are +- 40 activities within the workflow.

We currently have one workflow process at this client.

The problem seems to occur infrequently, and not at the same activity.


"Could i ask you to restart the K2 Blackpearl server service and moniter if the issue appears again?"

I've restarted the service and the second error persists. As the first error occurs "randomly" I'm too sure of ruling this problem out just yet.


I'm thinking the first error may just be a once or twice off thing. I'll keep an eye on it though.


I'm more concerned about the second error:

"2014-05-27 01:50:43::120", "Error", "GetUser", "The format of the specified domain name is invalid. Resolving User:NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON", " at ADUM.Translate.NameToDN(String Name)
at ADUM.K2UserManager2.GetUser(String Name)", "Additional Information: ", "GetUser(NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON)"


"Lastly what versions of Blackpearl and Smartforms are you currently running and could you provide details on the setup of your environment?"
K2 Blackpearl: 4.6.6

K2 Smartforms: 1.0.3

K2 standalone server (includes SQL Server 2008R2, K2 BlackPearl, K2 SmartForms).

3 tier SharePoint environment (Web front end, Application server, SQL Server).

Windows Classic Authentication on both K2 and SharePoint.


Thanks again for the response. Any further questions just shoot!




Hi Sean,


Thank for supplying the requested information. Firstly  are you Exchange or SMTP for your mail service? If you are using SMTP, please make the SMTP connection is correct. Please use the Connection String Editor to update the SMTP connection string and change the TLS to "None" and restart the K2 Service and see the error persists.


Secondly please attach your K2HostServer log to the post so i can look at it also.


Many Thanks,



Hi Sean,


With regards to the first error where the "The remote name could not be resolved: 'bconnect'.", this states that remote name cannot be found. Please confirms if this is the correct remote name.


Many Thanks,



Hi Sean_Heinen,


I found the following community article on the issue you are having, the error is not 100% on the dot correct however it is the same error.


64005 Failed to resolve 'SP:SharepointGroupProviderNameSharepointGroupName'


It seems that the resolution is to Re-running the App Registration wizard against the site indicated by the Group Provider url to resolve the issue.


Referencing community post:


Kind Regards,
