K2 Workflow Designer Preview Documentation

  • 26 April 2017
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K2 Workflow Designer Preview Documentation

This article has been archived, and/or refers to legacy products, components or features. The content in this article is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated. Archived content is provided for reference purposes only. This content does not infer that the product, component or feature is supported, or that the product, component or feature will continue to function as described herein.



Do not share any information about the new designer outside of K2. Employees are not allowed to demo, screenshot, discuss or show any functionality of the Preview Program and its products without expressed written consent from Product Marketing Executive Leadership.

Employees will be provided with Disclosure guidance related to future products separate from Program participants.

Breaking confidentiality will result in removal of your access to the Tech Preview and possible termination.

Any request to share information externally must be sent to eyal@k2.com for approval.



Known Issues

  • Rules Designer
    • Deleting with the Keyboard in the Rules Designer is not working
    • The Icon States for the Rules Designer trash bin are not correct
    • Voting Rule allows multiple outcome selection and should be single
    • Icon for outcomes in the decision rule is incorrect
  • Canvas
    • Make sure the auto-save has completed (the save icon is not lit up) before closing the workflow designer
    • If you click File > Close, and the canvas does not close, wait until it does. If you click Close again while the server is still working, your workflow will not load properly again.
    • Do not undo and then redo something. Instead, delete the step and re-create it. Using undo and then redo causes your workflow to corrupt, and will stop loading at 96%.

Current Feature Set in the K2 Internal only Preview Tenant

This build is not feature complete. The following features should be the focus of testing during the second sprint, starting 1 November, 2016:

  • Rules Designer, including:
    • Decision Rule (standalone and linked to task)
    • Recipient Rule
    • Voting Rule
    • Split Rule
    • Merge Rule
  • Configuration of Steps, including:
    • Task
    • Email
    • Create Reference
    • Set Folio
    • Set Data Fields
    • All Logic Steps
  • Canvas, including designing workflow using the below steps:
    • Task
    • Email
    • Folio
    • Set Data Fields
    • Create Reference
    • SmartObject
    • Decision
    • Split
    • Merge
    • End
    • Timer
    • Placeholder
    • Loop
    • SharePoint (available steps, but not feature complete)
  • Toolbox
  • Ribbon
  • New Workflow Screen


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