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I have got a WF which is actually running the QA environment and I want to deploy it in Production. Therefor I first packed the QA-WF with the PackageandDeployment tool. When trying to deploy it on Production there a failure with the deployment of the process happened (-->Screenshot). So I tried to deploy everything besides the process via PackageandDeployment tool and to deploy the process manually via K2Studio. The 1st step worked out fine, the 2nd didn't. I got another error (--> Screenshot).
K2 App is installed on both QA and Production. Registration wizard is completed. Smart Objects are generated by the app. Seems like an issue with K2 App Setup.
Can you help me?


Issue#1 - K2 Studio - 'Could not locate the file or assembly Microsoft.SharePoint.Client. V15....".

Issue#2 - PnD reference errors


Resolution#1 - I had to reconfigure and upgrade his client components on his client machine in order to overcome the deployment error in K2 Studio - 'Could not locate the file or assembly Microsoft.SharePoint.Client. V15....".
To upgrade the client component we've used the 4.6.10 installation package and after having rerun all setup managers (Blackpearl, Smartforms, Smartforms Control Pack, K2 for SharePoint) but after that we still kept getting the same error.
There's a known issue with the 4.6.10 installation package - it delivers the wrong version of the sharepointclientcomponents_x64.msi by default.
There's an article about it -
After having installed the right sharepointclientcomponents_x64.msi (15.0.4481.1505) we were able to deploy to QA from K2 Studio without any errors.

Resoution#2 - Had another meeting with the client during which we've analyzed the package that throws the errors in PnD as well as the source and target lists in SharePoint.
During the analysis it turned out that there were differences between the source and target lists (columns had to be removed, while other had to be added), so we've deleted the SMOs in the target environment, de-appified the lists, adjusted the structure according to the source and generated new SMOs.
After that we've tried to rerun the K2 for SP registration wizard on the target site, but kept receiving an error with some inconsistency in the SMO "K2 Application."
I've looked up that SMO in the K2 DB and found that all Management SMOs were pointing to a service instance that did not even exist in the target environment. That was most likely due to the fact that the customer deployed the solution from K2 Studio on the first place, and select incorrect environment details.
To correct that I've manually deleted all Management SMOs of that site, reran the registration wizard and let K2 regenerate them.

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