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I'm working on a K2 processflow in Visual Studio integrated with several infopathforms, with different infopath client events in the workflow. The workflow is started by an infopathform, while later in the process I'm picking up more data from another form.

Every time I reopen my project after having it closed, the different Infopath Client Events have been "reset" to use the original infopath form that starts the process. So before I can deploy my project, I'll have to run all the infopathclient wizards all over again, correcting the forms to be used. Really annoying.

 Anyone experienced this? Is there a bugfix for this?

We are aware of this issue and will be fixed in a later release.


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Hi Pieter,

Thanks for your reply. Any idea when this fix will be out? I'm about to rip my guts out each time VBStudio crashes/restarts and I'll have to rerun the infopath wizard for all my infopath activities..
