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Symptoms: Unable to deploy K2 Studio package.
Error 1 Error %d, Level %d, State %d, Procedure %s, Line %dCannot insert duplicate key row in object 'Form.ConditionItem_Design' with unique index 'UX_Form_ConditionItem_Design_ID'. The duplicate key value is (3470c905-5357-4fd8-b3c9-940abe4704c6).
Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 1, current count = 0.
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation. C:TempK2 ProjectsVendorCompany.VendorobjDebugDeploymentCompany.Vendor.msbuild 104 6 Strike.Vendor



Error being thrown stating forms were checked out when they really weren?t.


Open K2 Designer. Checkout and checked in forms. Went back in to K2 Studio and deployed package successful

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