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K2 View Flow gives an error when clicked:

"404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."




This often happens when web.config file contains invalid ViewFlow URL references, and in some cases, it happens when application pool account used for ViewFlow is changed in IIS (this does not update the config file for the token service).



The following helps resolve the issue:

1. Stop K2 BlackPearl server and the K2 Claims To Windows Token Service.
2. Got to the path eInstall Drive]Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlToken ServiceBin
3. Edit the file K2TokenService.exe.config and locate the section:






<clear />


<add value="DENALLIXK2 Service Account" />



4. It should have the K2 Service account.
5. Change to use the Workspace Service Account or you can leave the K2 Service Account and add the Workspace Service Account. It should be ok with only one account.




<clear />
<add value="DENALLIXK2 Service Account" />
<add value="DENALLIXK2 Workspace Account" />


6. Save the file.
7. Start the K2 Claims to Windows Service and the K2 Service and test.



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