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Hi guys


When using visual studio to create a workflow, when you drag and drop the process originator from the context menu. Where does the attributes of the process originator come from. Does t come straight from AD or does it come form the Identity Cache. Reason I am asking is because I have change some attributes of a user in AD and it is not showing in either the identity cache or the workflow.






I am not completely certain, but I think it pulls from AD directly. In this case, are you using Dynamic Roles or Static Roles? As only Dynamic Roles would update the changes made.



Thanks for your reply. Im not sure what you mean by dynamic roles and static roles.

Have a look at the following links for more information:


Dynamic roles refereshes changes to users/roles, etc much faster than static roles.


Also there many other posts on the community site that discuss this.


Hope this helps.

I have read the article you have provided but I am not using roles. Its just a built in process field which is ProcessOrginator. I found that you have to restart the blackpearl server for the updates in AD to show in K2. As far as I can tell its getting the user attributes from a cached store instead of going directly to AD everytime. Whcih component of the service triggers this and if this is a seperate component that can be run without restating the blackpearl server.

Hi, s0m3one


Please look at the following documentations links below:




