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Hi, I am having a problem getting my Smartform to redirect after the Update button has been pressed. The button is defined as:

<K2:K2BUTTON id="btnSaveReviewComments" tabIndex="7" runat="server" CssClass="k2Button" Width="105px" AfterClickAction="Redirect" ToolTip="Save your comments" Type="UpdateButton" CausesValidation="False"></K2:K2BUTTON>

I set the redirect URL dynamically in the code behind.

The K2 process datafields are being updated but the page is not redirecting after the update. Do you know why this might be?????

Many thanks in advance!
Hi Wendy,

Only a Finish or Plan button type will make use of the after click action. The Update button will not redirect, close, or disable the page because the worklist item will have only been saved and not completed.

I hope this makes sense.

