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Whenever we encounter  k2 26030  error (26030 e.g. Worklist item 30622_270 not found), we do retry by selecting particular record from Management Console >> Work Flow Server >> Error profiles. Is it also safe to do a retry of all K2 timeout in the K2 workspace?


If not, how to overcome this problem with correct way. We need to solve urgently because of there are a lot users accessing our system.


Thanks & Regards,


Hi there,


Yes, it is safe to retry those error instances from the error profile. It will just retry and run those event which went into error state. 



Hi Juliana,


Thanks for your comment. 


As temporary workaround, we are doing like this. However, we would like to fix permanently. 


I came across the following link recently. And I download K2_blackpearl_Roles_and_Advanced_Destinations.pdf file from that topic. Can you suggest that help PDF file can be  helpful to fix this issue?


Thanks & Regards,


Hi yhnaung,


You would need to troubleshoot a little more in dept. Why does the error "worklist item SN not found" occur. Was this really due to timeout or other specific reasons?


What I've seen before is that the worklist item has already been allocated or completed and hence the user open it up again.


If this is something to do with timeout, you will need to check where is the timeout occuring at?



Hi Juliana,


Thanks again for your reply. As I am not K2 expert, where can i adjust timeout ?


Thanks & Regards,

