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K2 Studio Suffers an Application Failure when Opening the Function Browser


I have a custom inline function DLL that is currently operational across our HOST SERVER environments.
It has been deployed to the C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlBinFunctions along with its associated PDB for use with the client tools.

I can start K2 Studio or K2 for Visual Studio without issue.
However, as soon as I click the 'Functions Browser' tab, K2 Studio / K2 for Visual Studio crashes.
I've attached a screenshot of the error.

I have an environment where ONLY the client tools are installed. K2 Host Server is not a factor in this issue.


As it turns out there was another DLL in the functions folder that our custom DLL was dependent upon. K2 Studio was attempting to load this second DLL. Since it was not a inline function DLL, K2 studio was crashing. This issue didn't happen in the last version so it was hiding in plain site. I removed the offending DLL and all is well.

When experiencing assembly load/bind issues, enabling fusion log might give more insight into the error:

Regarding custom inline functions:

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