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Can anyone help with work out how to do this in a Data Event in K2 Studio,


I want to do a check to see if specific "Text" is contained in a DATA FIELD A (ihave populated the DATA FIELD A from whatever the User entered in the Form)

If the "Text" is "Apple" - then put  "Apple" in DATA FIELD B (and overwrite any value that was in there)

If that "Text" is not Apple - then do not do anything to DATA FIELD B, leave it as it is...


Can this be done in the Workflow?

I figured a Data Event was the right one to use, and i've been playing with the Function Browser trying to use Functions like IF, but its not working,


Any ideas wise K2ers?





What I believe you want to do here, is use a line rule to check DFieldA for "apple", then use an activity off that line rule to trigger a data event to set DFieldB to "apple".  The other outcome you would configure would be if DFieldA != "apple" then continue to another activity.




