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Project was working fine for months, made some changes to some composite smart objects to change the service instances they point to and now it will not deploy the entire project to the sever.  Compiles fine, won't deploy.  Gives this cryptic message


System. Collections. Generic. KeyNotFoundException: The
requested item "0" cannot be found in the collection. at
SourceCode. K2Studio. K2Environment. DeployAll(IntPtr
intPtr, String& ErrNum, String& ErrMsg) at SourceCode.
K2Studio. K2Environment. SourceCode. K2Studio.
IK2Environment. DeployProject() at SourceCode. K2Studio.
K2ApplicationManager. Deploy()


ANy ideas??



What services are you trying to map? What kind of trouble shooting steps have you taken? Have you tried deleting the older refernces first? If your workflow has mappings to that composite smartojbect, you may just need to re-verify those mappings...especially if they changed. In order to help further we would need to see what all has changed. You can always put in a ticket if you are unable to resolve the issue.


Thank you!


Matt A
