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almost everytime i open K2 Studio for the first time since my laptop booted up & then open a process, K2 Studio closes itself down!

If i then open it up again it seems fine.

Occasionally, it will also do this at some other random point in time but always when a process is being opened.

Has anyone had anything similar happen?

I'm running XP Tablet Edition if that has any relevance & i've never had this problem on my desktop PC.

I've also found nothing in the event log or a K2Error.log file and have tried re-installing K2 studio on the machine.


This is odd...

It might be a good idea to remove the application completely (again) and to make sure that the installation folder is removed before reinstalling.

You cn also make sure to delete all registry entries for 'SourceCode' before doing the reinstall.

Difficult one this...
cheers Conrad

tried as you recommended but still no joy 😞 there were some left over folders & registry entries which i deleted before the re-install this time

i've been trying to look for something common when it happens but so far only seem to be able to recall it being larger processes that it happens with. i've also tried using the 'Open' item on the context menu instead of double clicking the Process & this makes no difference

anything else i can try? i'm literally having to ensure i save after EVERY amendment just in case it shuts down when i open another process



I know there is a problem in Studio if your process contains more than 10,000 GDI objects.

Open your Task Manager.
Select the 'Processes' Tab.
From the 'View' Menu, select - 'Select Columns'.
Place a tick next to 'GDI Objects'
Click 'OK'

Now, open Studio with one of your larger processes and monitor the CPU usage, Memory usage and the GDI objects associated with this instance of Studio.

It could also be a memory problem.

If you do find it to be the number of GDI objects, the only thing I can recommend would be to split your solution and projects into smaller solutions and projects.

Hope this helps,

I know there is a problem in Studio if your process contains more than 10,000 GDI objects.

Open your Task Manager.
Select the 'Processes' Tab.
From the 'View' Menu, select - 'Select Columns'.
Place a tick next to 'GDI Objects'
Click 'OK'

Now, open Studio with one of your larger processes and monitor the CPU usage, Memory usage and the GDI objects associated with this instance of Studio.

It could also be a memory problem.

If you do find it to be the number of GDI objects, the only thing I can recommend would be to split your solution and projects into smaller solutions and projects.

Hope this helps,

thanks Ockert,

I monitored the GDI objects in Task Manager & it doesn't appear to be that. The first time i tried, K2 Studio shut itself down at around 4000 but i've had it shut down on the first process i've opened before now, it appears to be random.

I managed to reach 9998 at one point & then on the next process being opened, K2 Studio just froze. I'm assuming this reproduced the error you were referring to.

I could do with another Tablet PC owner trying it out to eliminate that i think. Either that or completely wipe the Tablet & rebuild it from scratch.
