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We have recently deployed a K2 workflow in SharePoint and have been testing it. Its worked fine - except for responding to task via email (SmartAction).

1) We have run K2 wizard in server to configure exchange and performed a server restart. Responding to email still not working

2) Workflow in SharePoint stopped working. Suddenly keeps resulting on Error.



Customer noticed that the issue with workflow error when it tries to update Status property was caused by “Required Check Out” property on the library.

This issue with SmatAction, was caused by EWS Connection and EWS Destination connection strings were point to the incorrect URL.



For the first issue, the customer will have to either turn off the “Required Check Out” setting or check out the document before running the workflow.

For SmartAction issue, correcting both EWS Connection Strings, and restart K2 Service resolved the issue.

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