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The client created a list view with a lot of columns. He wants the ability to set the width of the view. If the width is bigger than the current screen size, he wants the horizontal scrollbar to appear. (In both the designer and during runtime.


At the moment there is no OOTB functionality that will allow horizontal scroll bars to appear on a view based on certain criteria.


I routed the ticket to the LABS support team for investigations and the engineer working the ticket has linked this ticket to an existing TFS item. Once implemented, you will have the ability to set the max height and width on a view. The overflow will result in scroll bars in the view.


This post is over a year old.. has the issue been adressed?



We also need this feature. What is the solution?

We also need a solution for this.

Was there a soltion to this as I am bateling to get it right in the Views and form designer 

Do we have resolution onthis now. please let us know as its urgent

Hello all,


Maybe you want to try this temporary workaround :


Best regards,





Try this

<script type="text/javascript">

$( document ).ready(function() {


$('.view:eq(0)').css({"overflow": "scroll","width":"2000px"});  




It worked for me, view:eq(0) zero sepresent which view you want to put a scroll view





