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K2 smartforms List View: Getting "Content Type not found" when attempting to update SharePoint list using batch Save method.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
1) Create a SharePoint Content type derived from Item
NOTE: My content type had about 5 fields (columns) total.
2) Create a Custom SharePoint list - add that content type to it.
NOTE: I removed the default Item content type from my list after adding the custom content type.
3) Generate the SmartObjects (not View andamp Forms) for the newly created list.
4) Create a K2 List View, binding it to the list.
5) Select the fields main fields to display in the list column layout, i.e the custom columns you created initially.






This is due to Content Type is set in the input mapping when calling the SMO to save the item, it turns out that the Content Type value was scnull which throws the error.

Resolution: The issue have been filed as a bug, getting "Content Type not found" when attempting to update SharePoint list using batch Save method, with tfs item 694383. The bug once reviewed will be fixed in the future versions of the K2 product.

The workaround is to remove the Content Type from the input mapping of the save button.

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