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Creating a SmartObject in K2 Studio and then editing it Designer to add a new property creates a situation in where if a view is generated off of the SmartObject then its execution rules will contain input mappings for the SmartObject properties with the exception of the one added in Designer. This happens even though the context browser shows all of the SmartObject properties including the one which was added via Designer.


When the SmartObject was created its properties were mapped to the SmartBox Service and in turn tables were created for the SmartObjects. When editing the SmartObject in Designer and adding the property we cannot both add a property and create a relevant column in the table so we have to simply create the property which then has no underlying datasource and that is why no corresponding input field exists when we jump back to the rule editing.



In order to get the Input mapping to render, there needs to be something for it work with in the corresponding table. We can accomplish that by adding the property in Designer, saving out smartobject and then checking the SmartBox Check box, this creates the needs column in the database.

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