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We have a smartform which was developed in K2 version 4.6.6. However, after we upgrade to 4.6.10, most of its controls' positions are lost. Due to this issue, the submit and approve buttons were also not displaying correctly. We have tried different properties (width) for the controls but it is not working.






The extract is from K2 4.7 release notes, where it is stated of certain controls borders change:





Custom Themes: K2 recommends that you actively maintain your custom themes by checking that they still render as expected after an upgrade. In order to implement new features, resolve bugs and improve performance, changes are made to the rendered HTML and accompanying CSS.




As a result, custom themes will need to be adjusted to retain their existing appearance and behavior. In most cases, custom themes are copies of the core themes provided with SmartForms, with alterations to match the users requirements. It is recommended that the custom theme be compared with the theme on which it has been based using a tool such as Beyond Compare.




From the comparison, structural changes will be evident and the required changes can then be made to the custom theme. The following changes were made in SmartForms 4.6.9 and up that need to be considered in order to upgrade a purpose built custom theme: Icons are no longer globally available, instead it is required that one specify the icons within the custom theme itself. This improves performance when a theme uses custom icons. Use the Platinum theme as an example.




The application of borders has changed on the following controls: - Lookup Control - Picker Control - Date andamp Time Picker - Dropdown List o The following controls have new stacked rendering implementations which can affect a custom theme: - Radio button List - Checkbox List - Choice Control "



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