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Hi Team,

We've a customer in US and they're asking if it's possible to approve task by email and provide a comment as well.

The scenario as follows:

Task owner will receive an email with possible actions --> when the user replies with action (ex. Approve) and write comment on another line --> approve action shall be taken on the system (already exists) and the comment shall be added to approval comments history seems to be not available]

The scenario seems like the standard actions in K2, i.e. redirect and delegate to another user.

If this feature already exists, would you please let us know where to configure this. If it's not available OOB, can we customize the parsing behaviour to understand fields like comment or other mandatory fields to be sent in the mail?



unfortunately this feature does not exist. any customization of any kind is not supported in k2

K2 has already logged a feature request to capture comments with SmartActions. Which version, if any, this will be included and it has not been determined at this time. Product Management makes these decisions based on criticality, customer demand, and other factors. If there are no further questions, kindly accept this resolution and assist us in closing this ticket.


unfortunately this feature does not exist. any customization of any kind is not supported in k2

K2 has already logged a feature request to capture comments with SmartActions. Which version, if any, this will be included and it has not been determined at this time. Product Management makes these decisions based on criticality, customer demand, and other factors. If there are no further questions, kindly accept this resolution and assist us in closing this ticket.


Dear K2 team


Is this feature is  in the product road map. One of our customer is alos looking for this feature.  Looking for the feature least disposition.




