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Need assistance to enable K2 SmartActions.
K2 SmartActions configuration in Development environment.


K2 SmartActions uses the Exchange mailbox associated with the K2 Service account. During configuration of SmartActions, there was a couple issues with K2service mailbox's credentials (exchange online). Before starting configuration, please made sure that a mailbox was created for the K2 Service account and that it could login to this mailbox and sent out a test email, and the Exchange Web Service was accessible on the url from the K2 server with K2 service account:


Step to enable Exchange and SmartActions via K2 blackpearl Setup Manager.
-Use the EWS Tester tool to confirm that the k2 service account can send simple test email.
-Run Blackpearl SetupManager, and enable Exchange for mail integration and selected configure Exchange Online.
-Provide k2service account and the EWS url. With exchange online, the EWS url is standard for every office tenant which is.
-Enable SmartActions Configuration and finish the K2 blackpearl Setup Manager.

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