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I have the readonly list view on smart form, where i am using default filter. In list view threre is date column called "HoldDate".

When i select this Hold Date column from QuickSearch column, and provide the date, the list view is not filtering on date.

It filter properly on any other colimns like ID, Name etc. but only for date it fails.


Is there any specific format we have to provide while filtering? or there is any other issue or bug in K2.


Version of smart form is K2 smartforms 1.0.4 (4.12165.1595.0).




Hi Prashant,


Please would attach a screenshot of the "HoldDate" column settings? I just want to see if everything is set up correctly. Also please check that SMO property which i assume is also called "HoldDate" and that the type is set to Date/Time.





Hi Prashant,


This is a known issue in K2 smartforms, and unfortunately, there's no workaround for it currently....

Hi Prashant,


I can also confirm that this unfortunately is a known issue and that there is currently no workaround for this as stated by Ziqing  as well.






Realy disappointed that K2 is having this type of bug, which is so basic and used very frequently.


Yannic:- SMO for "HoldDate " is configure correctly, not issue in that. It is very simple view, bring data from single table and idsplay to user with default filter control.



One more help will be appriciated, can any let me know in which version this issue will get resolved?



