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Outlook folder has K2 smartform set as a home page for it. When folder is selected, there are error messages on attempt to load smartform page. Exact error messages text depends on smartform page specifics, but these errors are Script Error messages (“An error occurred in the script on this page”). Sample error message you may get:
Error: Object does not support property or method “addEventListener”.


This is known issue with displaying K2 smartforms as a web page in Microsoft Outlook. When being rendered by Internet Explorer, smartforms requires at least the Internet Explorer 9 engine where by default, Outlook uses the Internet Explorer 7 engine. Registry modifications are required to make Outlook use a compatible rendering engine.



Registry settings changes are required which will configure Outlook to use an Internet Explorer engine that is compatible with smartforms (IE9 mode, quirks detection.). Required changes described in KB001295 “How to display K2 smartforms as a web page in Microsoft Outlook”:
Note that at the moment this KB says that it is applicable to K2 smartforms 1.0 – 1.0.5 and shows configuration steps for Outlook 2010. In fact these settings relevant to all versions of K2 smarforms and for Outlook 2013.

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