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 Are there any K2-related files/directories which should be excluted from on-access virus scanning?







The official answer is that K2 recommends AV software to be turned off during installation, but it is not required to have any specific AV exclusions for K2 to operate.

There have been reports of AV blocking MS components required by K2 to operate, including MSDTC and the Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll assembly. If you want to take very agressive approach against possible AV influence on K2 you may consider excluding all SourceCode.* assemblies from AV scanning but this is rather not the best approach and it is better to only add exclusions for specifically blocked assemblies (if you have any).


You may also want to exclude " programfiles]K2 blackpearlHost ServerBinWork" folder. This folder is dynamically used at runtime for assemblies referenced in each version of K2 process that get deployed to the K2 server when the Copy Local option is selected in the properties of the process. 




In general you should be concerned about disabling AV during install, and subsequently you have to verify if any underlying components (pre-requisites) are permitted.



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