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K2 Service not starting after new install


When installing K2 on a brand new server, the installation completes just fine, however they get the following error via workspace:

Debug 8030 SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Services.TCPIOCPService Service Initializ
Debug 1013 Creating Instance: SourceCode.Hosting.Runtime.IdentityService
Debug 1015 Enrolling Instance : SourceCode.Hosting.Runtime.IdentityService
Error Invoking 'StartHostServer' : Info 64006 Identity Service initializ
ed successfully.
Debug 1008 Loading 3 DLL File(s)
Error 2001 Error Starting Host Server: Unable to load one or more of the reque
sted types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
SourceCode.HostServerLib : Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Re
trieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.

Stopped Hosting Server Runtime
Press any key to continue...Info 61002 Started MessageBus service.



Removing and reinstalling may help here. Also this could be down to the windows token service that needs to running in correlation with K2. You may want to check the following article below:

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