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I have installed the K2 backpearl and following components are avaiable;

  • K2 black pearl Configuration Manager
  • K2 blackpearl Documentation
  • K2 black pearl Server (Console)
  • K2 black pearl Workspace
  • K2 Designer for VS

    In K2

 In K2 2003 we had one more utility called K2 Service Manager, where we used to assign the permissions. Re-direct workitems and other options, where is it available in K2 black pearl?

I am getting the following error User K2:DomainAdministrator does not have Export rights How do I resolve it?



The Management Console is now part of the K2 workspace (menu "management console) 🙂.

You can set up export rights using:

>Then navigate to Management>Management Console>K2server:555>Workflow Server > Server Rights

>Add k2:DomainAdministrator account and give it the appropriate rights



Thanks a lot Ediaz it helped me to understand the BlackPearl

One more help, Where can I see the process image like we had in the K2 2003? And where can I get all the information

Hi Ediaz009

I got the same error while deploying a K2 Process. when i tried to resolve it, i found a link "http://<workspaceserver>/workspace/Navigation/Navigation.aspx" but this link is not working. Please can any of u give me any solution.


You  need to change the <workspace> text to the K2 Server computer name


What is the problem you are facing while deploying the process?


Aman Kazi

Amankazi,  If you want to be able to see the process image you'll have to use the Overview Report that comes with K2 out of the box.   The key here is that you'll have to install Sql Reporting Services, then install the K2 reports on it and finally re-configure your K2 server with the updated reporting server url.   If everything installs correctly you should be able to run the Over view report within the K2 workspace.

 See this thread:,

Check these links out, which have to do with a similar issue:

 Also, during the setup of K2 there are a couple steps for which you have to remember the configuration.

1) The IIS Web application you installed the workspace on to.  If its a simple installation and the server name is "K2Server" the workspace url will be :


2) In order to gain access to this site you'll have to use the administrator account that you configured during the K2 set up.  During the installation the wizard prompts you for the K2 workspace account and the K2 administrator account.  After the initial setup, you'll have to log in to the workspace using the K2 administrator account and setup any additional users.

3) The user that you logged in to the server to deploy must have export rights on the K2 workspace server.  This is usually done as part of item #2.  As a work around you can try the "Run as" option and impersonate the K2 administrator account.

Without more details about your installation, I'm afraid you'll have to look at the K2 installation documentation.



