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K2 Server Failover Test Issue. We ran into one issue this last weekend when we were testing out K2 Workflows during the DR test. I’ve attached a screenshot of the server side message that we received and the event logs (Application, System and K2) from C.

Our scenario is that we performed a DR exercise where we failed over to an exact copy of the server from production over to our DR site. We manually changed the IP address on the server from A TO B. We also changed the gateway and Primary/secondary DNS entries so that it had the proper networking configuration. We rebooted the server, cleared DNS cache and everything else we can think of, but each time we attempted to utilize an existing workflow or form we received the error message as shown in the photo. Where if anywhere, in K2 should we look for that to be either hardcoded or cached?

All K2 configurations I could find point to LB URL. I could not find a reference to the IP address listed in the error message.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,



K2 doesn't use IP in the configuration. Having that, there must be something redirecting the calls. Usually the place to by pass the DNS is the Hos file located on each machine. Also, DNS records could point to the wrong IP, but in this cases they were all good.


There were some Host file entries which were redirecting the calls to the Production server instead of taking the DNS RDP Record. Removing the Host File entry solved the issue.

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