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We have a requirement for our workflow application is that the system should not consider when a workflow instance is in "stopped" mode. As per the business, they consider it as the process is on hold and all the tasks disappear from their tasks list. So when the process is restarted when hold is off, the tasks holders will regain their tasks and they can perform actions on them. But at the end, the completion time of each task should show as the result of arithmetic expression given below:

(Task Start Date - Task End Date) – No of days the task is on hold = Total time required to complete the task


I did some research and found that there is no out-of-the-box way to do what you are seeking. This could probably be achieved with a process redesign, including some sort of "holding" activity and SmartBox SmartObjects for calculations. You would then store information in the SmartObject on the Sleeping time, and recalculate when activities change.


Our labs team has linked the ticket to an existing feature request. The suggested workaround is to include some sort of "holding" activity and SmartBox SmartObjects for calculations. You would then store information in the SmartObject on the Sleeping time, and recalculate when activities change.

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