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When using the AD Service V2 Service broker, we are seeing as error on "shorter" input values when executing the "GetUserDetails" method. (Example input: "K2:DenallixBob") When using "longer" inputs, it works as expected.


After conferring with the LABS department, we found that this is a bug on our end. The problem is that the "AD Service V2" broker is not FQN aware. Therefor, you will have to remove all "K2" security labels for calls that are made using the "AD Service V2" broker. The broker was never meant to be "FQN aware" (A K2 specific thing) and the fact that the longer inputs snuck by the validation, was the bug, but the fact that it "worked", was "accidental".


We instructed the client to remove all the "K2" security labels form the calls made to the "AD Service V2" broker. We have logged a bug against the broker, and the "faulty validation" should be fixed in a future build of K2 blackpearl. Once implemented, both calls with longer and shorter inputs should fail in the same way. (This is "by design".)

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