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Hi everyone,

I'm trying to integrate Outlook 2003 e K2. I've a scenario where, after I've selected an email, a macro starts a K2 process passing some data taken from the mail. The problem is that I've no solution to do this in the opposite way: what I want is that K2 get access to the mail previously selected and writes some metadata on it. Does anyone think is possible? In this case, could you tell me how (some code 🙂)?

Thank you.


The is no out-of-box way for K2 to automatically do this like it would with a SharePoint document or list.

Are you using Exchange?  If so, Exchange has a pretty robust API so I would investigate that to see if there is any functionality exposed that looks promising. If so, it would most likely go within a Server Event in the K2 process.  One thing to keep in mind is that the K2 process will be executing under the K2 service account, not the actual, individual users, so that will probably need to be accomodated for in your user mail box interation.

Unfortunately, I don't have any code.  Sorry.
