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Hi, I'm pretty new with K2.  We have the latest version of Blackpearl.  I started playing with it by building a simple 2 level approval workflow.  I've encountered 2 issues.

1.  The workflow never gets set to Completed.  It is stuck at 'In Progress'.  I have noticed that the only one of the SP Task (The tasks that you see in wrkstat.aspx page) gets marked as 'Completed' even though both approver has approved through the K2 Worklist web part.

      I've tried creating a workflow with just one task.  The task is approved and marked Completed.  The status of the WF remains as 'In Progress'

2.  The tasks remain in the K2 workflist view even if I've already terminated the workflow or deleted the item.

Here are the messages I got from the event log:

Error occurred in ProcessWorkItems method of the K2SPWorkItemJobDefinition. Error Details:
Exception Message: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.

Error occurred in ProcessWorkItems method of the K2SPWorkItemJobDefinition. Error Details:
WorkflowInstanceId: 341d7410-792a-4d36-9312-78ab30cac45c
ModificationId: b4c5cba9-55d4-4ea5-bcb0-9a24b6e22d91
ContextData&colon; <WorkflowData Version="1.0" Type="SucceedingRule"><SPWorkflow><SiteUrl><!tCDATAg]]></SiteUrl><ListId><!iCDATAgb0194b06-e86f-4e80-8d4d-b3e8f4052b12]]></ListId><ListItemId><!tCDATAg3e8ba771-0518-4bfa-9c0e-1a0b799e7e24]]></ListItemId><TaskListId><!iCDATAg8047c83e-2041-44b8-b08a-0e4c60f6f9bd]]></TaskListId><WorkflowInstanceId><!nCDATAg341d7410-792a-4d36-9312-78ab30cac45c]]></WorkflowInstanceId><ModificationID><!iCDATAgb4c5cba9-55d4-4ea5-bcb0-9a24b6e22d91]]></ModificationID></SPWorkflow><Process Name="TwoLevelApproval" FullName="TwoLevelApproval" ID="485" StartDate="2014-02-10T13:20:18.697Z" Priority="1" Duration="0" Status="Active"><Folio><!FCDATAgfor testing k2.xlsx]]></Folio></Process><Activity Name="Manager Approval" Description="Manager Approval" ID="25" DueDate="" Duration="" Priority="1" StartDate="2014-02-10T13:20:18.697Z" Status="Active" /><Originator  UserName="K2:Domainusername" DisplayName="Domainusername" /><WorkflowCompleted><!pCDATA&FALSE]]></WorkflowCompleted></WorkflowData>
ParentId: b0194b06-e86f-4e80-8d4d-b3e8f4052b12
ItemId: 16
Exception Message: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.

Please try disabling loopback check on your Sharepoint WFE per microsoft KB:

Additionally, please add the K2 Service Account to the site collection administrator and then retest to see if the behavior changes.

Please also check if the user has start rights in K2 workspace > management > (server) > Processes > (your process) > Process rights.
