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K2 not resolving duplicate SharePoint Site Collection with same name




The error occurred when we try to configure the K2 for SharePoint App on the site collection - "Duplicate Site Collection Title"

Created two new site collections on two different SharePoint Web Apps. Both site collections has the same name. Using SmartObject Service Tester to remove the duplicate site collection names - remove SmartObject - PMO and ServiceObject - PMO.

Both of the PMO site collection were removed and try to re-configure the K2 for SharePoint App. This did not resolve the issue and we need help to see where other areas in the K2 server we need to look for duplicate site collection title name.



In the HostServer.GroupProvider table under the K2 database you should see the duplicated naming convention for the collections. You can either delete the existing group provider or you can rename the duplicated site collection.



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