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I'm new to K2.Net and I'm currently having the K2 Training. When I clicked on the Worklist in the navigation pane, this is the result:

No Worklist Items are available for this View.

I have already checked in the Destination of the Activity and I'm sure that I assigned this to that user. I also confirmed it when I clicked on the Reports that I have the right Destination.

What can be the possible cause of this kind of problem? Can this be a Web Application Problem or a K2.Net Studio problem?

Are you logged on to the Workspace as 'K2MEGASuzanS'? Is that the name displayed in the top right hand corner of Workspace?.

My guess is that you have not defined your Client Event in K2Studio properly. Have a look at the properties of the Client Event and make sure that 'Client Side Code' is not ticked - you should use 'Internet' - with a valid Web page URL.

Hope this helps,
Thanks Ockert 🙂

When I checked my Error Profile in the K2 Service Manager, I have confirmed that this is a Client Event error. However, I'm not sure what caused this error. Here's the error description:

Could not access 'CDO.Message' object.
Are you working in the standard Training VPC?
Can you give me the code behind the offending Client Event?


One of my user is having the same issue under Workspace All.   She has items, but it returns "No Worklist Items are available for this View."

 Normally when there is nothing to display, it says "No Worklist items available".

 What's the cause of this issue?


Hi Peter,

Have you checked in Service Manager whether this user has got worklist items assigned to him/her?  Any Error profiles logged on the specific process instances?

Try to retrieve this user's worklist from a different machine - may be IE settings.

Make sure that the username in K2.._Worklist table is 'Trimmed'.


